The burden of proof lies on the person making the positive claim. For example, if I assert: "Unicorns exist!!" The burden is then on me to provide the PROOF validating my claim.
I can't say "Well, prove that they don't!" whenever I get challenged. Because it is impossible to prove a negative. You cannot prove something DOESN'T exist, only that it does.
So until you can provide some proof for your claims, hold off on your requests for "intelligent dialogue", you haven't met the criteria yet.
The burden of proof has been provided.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is God incarnate in the flesh and has revealed himself. (Proof)
1. Falsify that the Torah, Gospels, and New Testament are not historical documents. (Proof)
2. Falsify that Jesus was not a real historical person. (Proof)
3. Falsify Jesus miracles, that testify to him being the Son of God. (Proof)
4. Falsify that his life, teachings, death on a cross by the hands of the Romans, and buried in a borrowed tomb are not recorded in secular history as well as the Gospels and New Testament. (Proof)
5. Falsify the resurrection of Jesus Christ that demonstrates he is the Son of God. (Proof)
6. Falsify the claims of first and second hand eye witness accounts as recorded in The Gospels, and New Testament of his life, death, burial, and resurrection. (Proof)
7. Falsify the the documents by first century Fathers who received testimony from 1st and 2nd eye witness accounts of Jesus earthly ministry, death, and resurrection. (Proof)
8. Thank you for trying to throw shade about the criteria of the discussion not being met, it just demonstrates your trying to step into a league/discussion your not ready for.
9. Eagerly waiting your replies that will not academically, and empirically contradict each point made. Looking forward to making you look like an utter fool to the entire Coli sister/brethren.
10. Next time I bet you will mind your own business instead of trying to be slick and throw shade