Rock has sure come a long way. PS2 graphics in a big budget movieSounds like he had a better debut than The Rock. All The Rock did in The Mummy Returns was yell, grunt, and get turned into one of the worst SFXs of all time.

Rock has sure come a long way. PS2 graphics in a big budget movieSounds like he had a better debut than The Rock. All The Rock did in The Mummy Returns was yell, grunt, and get turned into one of the worst SFXs of all time.
y'all expected more?
This, I'm pretty sure Roman was only in the movie for:
A. a easy paycheck
B. Rock probably random called him up on some "Yo you want a random cameo in my movie? Easy exposure to help the crowd make them like you again" and Roman was like "Sure why not"
C. Rock knew that if Roman was in the flick in any type of way that Vince will hype the movie tremendously to get media attention on the WWE as well
D. Given the fact that John Cena is officially in F&F9 that no one would really question why Roman is apart of the franchise as well
Oddly enough WWE didn't do C, AT ALL and wonder why the ones they're tryna push as THE superstars aren't over as they should be