Redbones With Big Tiddays Appreciation

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
IDK how I found this thread

both mean light skin chick....

same shyt

i always thought a redbone meant mixed with native american

yellow bone mixed with white lol


Yellow bone is a light skinned mixed person and red bone is a light skinned black person (not mixed).

Alicia Keys vs Beyonce

Yellow vs red

I've used those terms interchangeably....first time hearing anything bout mixed girls, native americans or anything else like that :laff:.

Mixed Girls = Mixed Girls

Yellow/Redbone is a interchangeably term for a bright skinned black women.

For example she is a Yellow/Redbone but not mixed. Alicia Keys would not be considered a Yellow/Redbone because she is just straight up mixed woman.


mixed ain't no exception

She can be a mixed red or mixed yellow bone

Its always been about skin tone here

Did yall just make Lauren London and Trina redbones????? what in tarnation :snoop:... :wow:...

They are BOTH BROWN SKIN.... :wtf:......c'mon yall.

I've never had this conversation, it was just understood that they were interchangeable for a light skin black woman, whether she was mixed with white or not. However, now that we have so many AAs mixed with other races, I'm sure the term is all over the place, but it still would mean a hi yella (very light skin) think Vanessa Williams to Beyonce a redbone.

I'm sure you are from Texas. I always thought redbones were lighter than yellows. A lot of super light brothas are called red as a nickname where I'm from.

To me, red's were inbetween yellows and browns. There were light skinned, but more along that tan color, but not dark enough to be brown.

:ehh: I thought they were called red because they were so light that there skin turned red if they stayed outside too long.

Growin up, Red Bones generally have more brownish, almost red hair. Sometimes its naturally pretty red. A lot of them have freckles too and are generally lighter skinned than most black people, but not super light. Even though we talkin about chicks, them Redhead Kingpin, Delonte West, Tony Terry azz dudes are what I think of as red. I always think of Beyonce or Tisha Campbell.

Yellow bones or yellow hammers are more like my mom's family. Usually got really dark black hair and just light skinded. Aliyah or even Jada. Denise huxtable. Yeah, a lot of these girls have white dads and black mom

I always thought of redbones of having ginger characteristics :yeshrug: (reddish hair, freckles, etc)