- First, pause the game and go to Settings > General and turn off Autosave. Back out, then create a couple of new saves — one in case the glitch doesn’t work (so you can back up and try again) and one to exploit the … exploit.
- Head to Limpany. It’s the burned-out town located along the Dakota River just to the north of Flatneck Station and straight south of Valentine in New Hanover. You’re looking for the Sheriff’s Station which is the southernmost building. Head inside and loop around to the left (or just climb through the left window) and find the lockbox under the desk.
- Interact with the lockbox to open it, but do not pick anything up.
- Look at the Gold Bar inside so that the prompt in the lower right corner of your screen changes to Gold Bar.
- Pause the game and create a new save over one of the ones you created in step 1. Back out one menu, then load the game you just saved.
- You’ll pop back into the game some distance away from Limpany, so make your way back to the Sheriff’s Office.
- Inside, you’ll find the lockbox open with the Gold Bar inside. Hold down Square/X and don’t let go until your satchel is full.
The only limit to this is how many Gold Bars you can carry.
If you’ve got the starting satchel, you’ll be able to pick up 30 — which you can then sell to a Fence for $
15,000. If you’ve got the Legend of the East Satchel, you can pick up
99 of them for a profit of nearly $50,000. (But, seriously, what do you even do with that much money in
Red Dead Redemption 2?)