Voice of Reason
Asians are the fastest growing minority in 10 years black folks will be completely politically irrelevant
hispanics???Asians are the fastest growing minority in 10 years black folks will be completely politically irrelevant
Asians account for about 6% of the population in the next 20 years they will surpass black folks. It’s remarkable that Asians and Hispanics will soon surpass us. And it’s a result of abortion and immigration.
Actually it's an observation about how that issue is going to be resolved. Next generation of our family is being given the best guidance and resources we are capable of giving them. Regardless of what the laws and policies are, they will head out and put their best foot forward.
You're the one who is using wishful thinking.
Asians account for about 6% of the population in the next 20 years they will surpass black folks. It’s remarkable that Asians and Hispanics will soon surpass us. And it’s a result of abortion and immigration.
Trump's support proved to be unpredictably strong in 2016. Every poll and survey had him losing in a landslide.who do you see winning the election?
Hispanics have already surpassed us. And if that's true what you're saying about the Asians Black people are in serious trouble.
No we are notYea if Trump gets re-elected.... we fukked
Hispanics have already surpassed us. And if that's true what you're saying about the Asians Black people are in serious trouble.
When Hillary lost black people dodged a huge bullet, the liberal immigration policies in which they give every illegal alien citizenship to induce a humongous wave of chain migration and expanding current immigration programs in general would have lead to black people being at native American status in terms of clout and numbers in 10-20 years
True with regards to the immigration thing but Trump wants to give police license to kill black folks, destroy health care and deny racism even exists. fukk Trump he’s trying to destroy us now. The dems are trying to make us irrelevant in the future.
the only one I would concede is health care, it's one issue Democrats are better at, but police brutality was happening under Obama and under democratic governors and mayors and liberal solutions to racism like AA don't work
AA does work if they were not trying gut it for the last several decades. The conservative have no solution to racism at all. They just want to act like it doesn’t exist.