This is a different breed man, Kaep and RG3 are easily as effective throwing from the pocket as anyone in the league.
This ain't the mid 00s with dudes like Vick and Vince throwing for like 53% completion percentage or anything. Plus Kaep is big enough to take punishment.
They WILL however have to tone down running that pistol offense because teams are gonna tee off on them whenever they get a shot.
Vick(ATL version) and Vince(06 -08) relied on talent and had no accuracy.
Meanwhile these new brothers can throw, they just happen to have legs as well.
Watching the game, damn near all of Cap's throws were lasers, hell the booth guys were making notes of that too. I hope some of these coaches tone down on these option plays, because Cam; RG3, and Cap are bound to get hurt doing that too much. Hopefully these qb's start to slide when they see a defender near.