Scustin Bieburr
Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
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Can be used anywhere as long as you have a light source.
Unsurprisingly people are buying more of them.
Before ADHD gang comes in here, if books of all kinds are boring to you that's a skill issue and nobody else's problem but yours. Maybe get some meds, stay in your lane or kill yourself
Currently enjoying this masterpiece
When you buy the book, it's yours. No monthly subscription.
Doesn't require electricity
No ads
Can be used anywhere as long as you have a light source.
Unsurprisingly people are buying more of them.
Before ADHD gang comes in here, if books of all kinds are boring to you that's a skill issue and nobody else's problem but yours. Maybe get some meds, stay in your lane or kill yourself
Currently enjoying this masterpiece
The Counter-Revolution of 1776
This excerpt from Gerald Horne demonstrates how the Revolution reinvigorated the slave trade and subsequently bore a counter-revolution of slavery.