Yes . The issue isnt Whedon who everyone seems to agree is a big a$$hole but the Johns aspect is where Wb and DC and Johns is shooting themselves in the foot . Johns may not be Whedon BUT he seems tone deaf and racially insensitive and he need to to just apologize say my bad etc It was unintentional and I’m learning blah blah . Instead he’s digging in and launching the ol racist playbook I’m not racist I have black friends defense ! He can’t tell a black person or any person of color how to perceive something
Is Ray Fisher new to Hollywood or something. Sounds like Zack Snyder gassed them all up into thinking the Snyderverse was really on some deep intellectual shyt

. If you actually bought into that lie,of course it would hurt when Whedon came in to make it all a clown show,because the studio requested it. These cacs are tone def,but Fisher is not a young actor and should know that by now. As well as he should know the studios aren't merely pulling these standards and ideas of what black people think, out of thin air in a billion dollar franchise. They have the power of algorithms now that advise them. I would like to be the first to tell the studios that black twitter is not an accurate depiction of what black people,or probably people in general are thinking.
Do you honestly think white execs just had the depth on their own to decide "black people don't want an angry black man stereotype". They could still use focus groups,but I would assume algorithms/analyticals give them what they would believe to be a greater sample size of black opinion. Artificial intelligence is working overtime making notes for studios so that they don't offend different demographics. Also I'm not sure why he didn't want to say "Booyah" ,no black people don't talk like that these days. But do nikkas even like Cyborg to where we would be offended

. Seems like he was thinking too hard too and possibly reading too much twitter. I doubt black people would be upset about him using a catchphrase that is fan service. I'm questioning why he thinks catchphrases from black people are even offensive in the first place. Sometimes you can try to hard not to be stereotype that you make yourself colorless Ray.
Sorry but Hollywood can keep these whitewashed black characters, that could easily be played by white men too

Tear the whole DC Universe down and start over from this new Batman.