Cena is like Superman 

See this ^ is what happens when too many asses and t*ts get posted. Mofo's become delirious.
What was that bald fakkit SCSA doing that he could not show up?
Lying ass they always do it when you get a long reign. Look at Bradshaw Cena etcthey ain't start acknowledging the length of reigns again until OG Bobby took the business to new heights with the Selfish Generation.
10:56PM EST: Fifteenth commercial break, five matches (4:17.6, 17.2 seconds, 7:32.1, 1:52.2, one about to begin); seventeen social media plugs (not including twitter trends), one mid-show commercial (Sonic); four backstage promos, four recaps, three in-ring promos, Naomi in shorts, a failed wedding, the awesome return of Rev. Slick, the official announcement of HHH/Lesnar at SummerSlam, Sean Mooney, the APA, and an Undertaker return!!
See this ^ is what happens when too many asses and t*ts get posted. Mofo's become delirious.