Good segment until the conchairto. Shouldve teased it, then had refs and security pull Randy off. Edge coming back from that makes the match feel less dangerous.
Nah. They finna use this to keep him off TV through to the next PPV. Have Edge show up and cost him during the final sprint to WM, and then they can go int blood feud booking without over-using his presence.
It makes sense in retrospect. It's why they were hitting his character notes so heavy-handedly throughout the show; looking back it's like when they're about to write a character off a show so they play the greatest hits. Even had him raise his own 'death flag' about finishing his career on his terms.
Weirdly enough, this was the best done and worst done thing on the show at the same time. The lack of even a singular ally coming out to try and make the save fukked it up; if they'd just had the one, even just Christian rushing down only to eat an RKO himself or something, that combined with what happened could have made it easily the best thing Orton's done in the company in over a decade, if not period, and damn sure woulda made it a top segment of the year that'd likely hold up the whole year.
It's just... them details, man.
Hit the clangy poles in the back and refs and agents appear like roaches from nowhere.
Brush R-Truth with your shoulder and a ref magically appears from nowhere like it's fukking magic.
Try and cripple a Hall of Famer on live television, and you get multiple camera angles and everyone in the back are apparently neatly folding their gear, or showering, or boxing up what's left of catering into to-go boxes and ain't nobody got time to rescue the man.
It was a beautiful dive that failed to stick that landing.