Raven-Symone Tries But Fails to Clarify Michelle Obama Comment and Why She’s Not African-American


May 1, 2012
wtf is this book, Im not reading all this bullshyt. first paragraph is where I stop. race is just a classification? so basically you're agreeing with this c00n bytch Raven. that's all I needed to hear.
I laugh at you lames with all these posts trying to run that "I ain't reading all that game" like you just don't have the time. My posts are long because I'm actually breaking the shyt down for your dumb ass. It's real feminine to respond just to have something to say.

You should read my posts over and over again until you get some type of understanding because you're clearly confused. I completely disagree with Raven. I'm saying the exact opposite of what she's saying. She is rejecting her racial classification because she doesn't want to be associated with other black people. Raven agrees with you that she's not black. That's why she made it a point to tell everyone that she has ancestry from Africa and Europe. You two are on the same side of the argument you're just too stupid to realize it.
Sep 28, 2012
biracial means 2 races. a parent each of a separate race. imo 25% white and 75% black is black because that is majority, black with an admixture of white. keyword majority black. 50/50 there is no clear cut majority, its a split down the middle, so no its not arbitrary its quite definitive actually.

i can dig it but you do realize this is all more social than science right?...biracial and mixed arent races..if they were half black half indian and half white half asian people would belong to the same [biracial] race...

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I laugh at you lames with all these posts trying to run that "I ain't reading all that game" like you just don't have the time. My posts are long because I'm actually breaking the shyt down for your dumb ass. It's real feminine to respond just to have something to say.

You should read my posts over and over again until you get some type of understanding because you're clearly confused. I completely disagree with Raven. I'm saying the exact opposite of what she's saying. She is rejecting her racial classification because she doesn't want to be associated with other black people. Raven agrees with you that she's not black. That's why she made it a point to tell everyone that she has ancestry from Africa and Europe. You two are on the same side of the argument you're just too stupid to realize it.
because she isnt black. and yes I agree with her. you're the one talking about the classifications are social, well in that case socially she isnt black when she has a white parent you stupid fukking numbskull. and I dont care about pass classifications, I've already given you examples on how it has become harmful not beneficial to the black race.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
i can dig it but you do realize this is all more social than science right?...biracial and mixed arent races..if they were half black half indian and half white half asian people would belong to the same [biracial] race...
exactly, social and her response should indicate exactly how biracial typically flip flop. around black people they're black when convenient but around whites they're mixed "I have white blood too" white people were just smart enough not to allow biracial to classify themselves as white as they can take positions of power away from actual white people, something we should take note from. socially I see her as biracial not black. biracials have always been used as comfort for whites, easier on the eyes so to speak so when it comes to defining the black race, they'll use someone who has a white parent to launch them into the face of the black race, Halle is a perfect example. When you think of white woman you think whitest of the white blonde hair blue eye, but when you open up a magazine and they 'decide' to show a black woman, she's now looking like Mariah Carey when clearly it should be the darkest of the dark. its not about colorism, is it when they put a blonde with blue eyes instead of a south italian? no its about showing a representation, the majority of the white race look nordic, germanic, slavic, the majority of blacks look brown to dark brown with kinky hair.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
so this is where that alicia quarls chick is from?? i saw her on the soul train awards and ive been in love ever since.

one of the baddest broads on TV. i gotta start watching the E! network.


May 1, 2012
because she isnt black. and yes I agree with her. you're the one talking about the classifications are social, well in that case socially she isnt black when she has a white parent you stupid fukking numbskull. and I dont care about pass classifications, I've already given you examples on how it has become harmful not beneficial to the black race.
Before you said that she was a c00n saying stupid shyt but now you admit that you agree with her:russ:

Raven doesn't have a white parent. There are pics of both of her parents throughout the thread. Her parents are light skinned black just like she is. Raven has creole roots from Louisiana. Her immediate parents are "black" but she clearly has white people in her family tree. That makes her biracial(at the least) but doesn't discount her from being black. That's how it is whether your irrelevant ass cares or not.

Systematic white supremacy is what's harmful to people classified as black. Not the criteria for being classified as black. You're so stupid that it's sad.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Before you said that she was a c00n saying stupid shyt but now you admit that you agree with her:russ:

Raven doesn't have a white parent. There are pics of both of her parents throughout the thread. Her parents are light skinned black just like she is. Raven has creole roots from Louisiana. Her immediate parents are "black" but she clearly has white people in her family tree. That makes her biracial(at the least) but doesn't discount her from being black. That's how it is whether your irrelevant ass cares or not.

Systematic white supremacy is what's harmful to people classified as black. Not the criteria for being classified as black. You're so stupid that it's sad.
I didn't call her a c00n, and Ive always agreed with her, this is my very first post.

I agree, she's not african american, shes biracial. what she said was not incorrect. black people are morons.

and why is she talking about these issues with blonde hair.

Ls all over the place.

now, my father is creole, but biracial. creole is a culture not a race. I googled her and numerous sites stated she was half and half, if shes not, my bad, but I can provide the links I found this information if you want. I didnt see the pics of her parents, when I posted in here there was only 2 pages when I woke up there was 8, fukk all that. biracial isnt the name we use for black people with white admixtures (everyone has some kind of admixtures) black is. biracial is reserved for one who has one white parent and one black parent. and all blacks should classify biracials accordingly for various reasons which I've already explained in previous posts.


May 1, 2012
I didn't call her a c00n, and Ive always agreed with her, this is my very first post.
wtf is this book, Im not reading all this bullshyt. first paragraph is where I stop. race is just a classification? so basically you're agreeing with this c00n bytch Raven. that's all I needed to hear.
All that your 1st post proves is that you talk out of both sides of your ass. You're talking so much dumb shyt that you can't even keep up with it. You're both c00ns who are wrong. Raven is biracial but she's also black/AA or whatever label you want to use for brown skinned people of African descent.

biracial isnt the name we use for black people with white admixtures (everyone has some kind of admixtures) black is. biracial is reserved for one who has one white parent and one black parent. and all blacks should classify biracials accordingly for various reasons which I've already explained in previous posts.
Who is "we"? You only speak for yourself. You have a made up personal definition of "biracial" because you have an agenda. Our society doesn't operate based on your personal opinion regarding the concept of race and the terms/labels/classifications associated with it. You don't hold the weight or have the authority to enforce your opinion. As the world is right now, there's no distinction between biracials and blacks. It's been like this since whites created the concept of race. What part don't you get? You can say that it's no like that all you want, except it is.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
no. I said 'c00n bytch' because thats what YOU called her. in other words, oh so you're agreeing with this 'c00n bytch', read the quote I quoted. :wtf:

you must be biracial, cause you seem very sensitive about this topic. you're biracial not black, get over it, make sure to click other on the next census :camby:


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
No, never by appearance. Only by tribe

And do you see the irony of making this statement while at the same time calling yourself what the white man gave you?

For me there's no correct answer. The original concept is based on stupidity therefore any attempt to make sense of it will undoubtedly lead you down the road of stupidity.

I say let people define themselves however they want to
While this may be true, in the system of white supremacy it is a TERRIBLE IDEA. The idea of "naming yourself whatever you want" will only lead to further division and weakening of the black community. Just the a look at the hilarious racial classification system going on in Brazil is example of mass skin tone confusion perpetuated by a system of white supremacy. Don't you buffoons realize that all these racial classification still end up with whites at the apex? Focusing on skin tones is a trick the white man put upon melanated people to put them in a state of confusion. Its patently obvious by the circuitous arguments in this thread that the white man is still winning. :snoop:

I personally believe the census should be simply black, white, or other.


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
i understand that there is white blood in me, but my question is where do yuo draw the line between black and mixed.

Is one drop of white blood, automatically mean that you are mixed. Cuz if that is the case, then nobody in America is truly "black" :yeshrug:
i understand that there is white blood in me, but my question is where do yuo draw the line between black and mixed.

Is one drop of white blood, automatically mean that you are mixed. Cuz if that is the case, then nobody in America is truly "black" :yeshrug:
ur phenotype doesnt equal genotype and vice versa. You could be an average black dude, and ur kid could turnout white or lookin heavily mixed just because your great great great great great great great gradfather was biracial and somehow hus genes were dominant in your kid . The hodgetwins is an example of this.

Personally most people think im indian or Arab just because I inherited my great great great grandfathers persian hair but all my sisters all look like the typical brown skin Ethiopians and strangers or friends wouldnt mistake them as anything but black , but when they see me and brother at family events (for some reason the men in our family inherited my GGG grandfathers genes)we get that :leostare:look, most wont believe we r related. I dunno man, i face this problem everyday. I feel black, but I know most people wouldnt see me as "black" which is confusing as fuk considering we grew up with the east African community. :patrice:feels like i dont belong anywhere. :mjcry:
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All Star
May 1, 2012
These Kids
While this may be true, in the system of white supremacy it is a TERRIBLE IDEA. The idea of "naming yourself whatever you want" will only lead to further division and weakening of the black community. Just the a look at the hilarious racial classification system going on in Brazil is example of mass skin tone confusion perpetuated by a system of white supremacy. Don't you buffoons realize that all these racial classification still end up with whites at the apex? Focusing on skin tones is a trick the white man put upon melanated people to put them in a state of confusion. Its patently obvious by the circuitous arguments in this thread that the white man is still winning. :snoop:

I personally believe the census should be simply black, white, or other.