You must fat farm/have fat to do a bbl (transfer).
They're both significantly skinnier in their core section than when they were young. Aint a natural pear shaped woman on Earth with that small an upper body going into those hips/thighs.
You must fat farm/have fat to do a bbl (transfer).
What fat is being taken from this though?They're both significantly skinnier in their core section than when they were young. Aint a natural pear shaped woman on Earth with that small an upper body going into those hips/thighs.
What fat is being taken from this though?
Look this is my last time stating their whole upper body is noticeably larger in that picture than say
You must fat farm/have fat to do a bbl (transfer). They were both toned in their younger years. How exactly would that work? One of them looks like she has questionable breasts but that's all I see.
So you dont think this can be photoshop? I also stated one looks like she has her breasts done. That alone can make your body look different.
You just gain a few extra pounds then you gain some weight after the surgery. All the extra weight then goes to your hips and thighs. BBL are suppose to look natural and as time goes on it looks more and more natural. A lot of Dominican, Columbia etc women get it done as teens which is why it looks so flawless in their 20s and beyond.
Yeah dont believe most of the instagram photos. They have filters, apps and shyt to make people look totally different. Sometimes you can catch a warped background, sometimes you can't.whatever they doing...its look unnatural compared to when they first went viral