Yesterday's Result:
Meagan Tandy - 7.230
California born
Teen Wolf actress Meagan Tandy was the woman up for the vote on day 151 of our competition, wherein she tabled a so-so average score of 7.230.
1. The Coli will be rating 365 chicks in this project.
2. You simply rate the girl on how fine you think she is.
3. Users rate the designated girl on a scale of 1-10
(10 being

status, 1 being

4. The results of the poll will be displayed publicly.
5. Girls will be done randomly. Feel free to nominate anybody. Chances are we'll get to your favorite during the course of the year. PM or @ me with your requests.
6. Testing my desire to do this, this project will last for 365 days. Days might be pushed back here and there, but this will be done.
7. Days will last for approximately 24 hours.
8. Sets of twins are eligible for nomination.
9. Various pictures will be used. No make-up pictures are one such an example. If you feel its necessary, by all means, contribute and add your own pictures.
10. The poll will be up for 24 hours only, so make sure you get your votes in!
11. Results will be placed on the official RTG leaderboard. Find it here:
Rate This Girl Leaderboard
As requested by
@Skooby, day 152 brings forth Miss Louisiana 2000, attorney-at-law and celebrity Judge, Faith Jenkins.
Faith Jenkins' Bio:
Age: 39
Height: 5'5" ?
Weight: ??? lbs
Boobs: Real