Crunchyroll has adapted three webtoons so far - Tower of God, GOHS, Noblesse.
All of them are guilty of skipping content from the source material and cramming as much as can fit within 13 episodes. This to the expense of narrative flow and characterization. I didn't know enough about the characters to root for their success. No one was memorable. No build up, no tension, just a lot of random stuff happening on screen.
I took some issue with the animation as well, relative to the webtoon panels that I thought delivered more impact and looked better. Some examples
I made the comparison of this to OG Baki the Grappler. Baki does not compare animation wise. But when somebody gets hit in Baki, it looks and feels convincing because they have broken bones, severed tendons and are pouring blood from multiple orifices. Often times losers appear to be on their deathbed because a superhuman martial artist just hit them with all their strength. Whereas this show holds back on the violence and doesn't do enough to make the punches appear as though they're doing a lot of damage. Was part of the reason I stopped watching it around the middle part.
That said, I do understand why others like it. If you don't read the webtoon then your expectations are probably mid-low going in. If you don't place special importance on fight build up then the lack of tension may not matter. and it does have a lot of solid looking hand to hand combat scenes. I can probably give this another chance sometime in the future and watch it all the way through, which I couldn't do with a bad anime
I'll give it a 5