Panic Room. Original rating back in the day when I watched as a teenager 8/10
Re-watched rating 9/10
This is David Fincher's very simple yet very effective home invasion film. What I noticed on the re-watch is how very important tiny seemingly insignificant choices played out.
Where the daughter decided to leaver her basketball.
The way the mom is depressed and can't sleep so she drinks wine and sets up the panic room cameras.
The small insults the robbers throw in each others faces, gradually increasing tension.
The way Ski-mask shady douche decides to turn up the propane which increases the danger instead of just sending the mom and kid a message to open the door.
After cornrolled Jared Leto gets half his face burned, he decides to quit and while insulting the others he lets slip that there is many more millions in the room.
The 3 thieves represent a benevolent leaning soul, a lost soul that's in between and doesn't know how to act, a malevolent leaning soul.
Raoul is nonchalantly in a ski-mask for 75% of the movie, hilarious and creepy.
[ame=""]I'm Raoul - YouTube[/ame]
Also I love the way the camera whips around the entire apartment almost in a Omnipotent way, going through walls etc.
Every single thing happens for a reason

. It's like The Wire opening credits small symbolic moments happen all the time.