After 22 years I managed to recover this heirloom, the evening I rapped with 2PAC Hollywood exchanging the only microphone, the picture was taken immediately after we got off the console (there is another while we were in the console but I think others will pass 22 years to make sure you have it), this is the portrait of that evening, the month after this photo was murdered in Las Vegas .. this is the result of years of research and I thank dear @marco_kami_poli for having found this picture and for contacting me so I had ... I cried with joy! scuse raga but with this I won .. FOREVER! TUPAC AMARU SHAKUR RIP #theoneandonly
Apparently, he performed at Club Hollywood in Italy.
You're right, I forgot.
I remember Frank Alexandre said he did the fashion walk for Versace, stayed at a hotel, smashed two different women on two different floors of the hotel he was sleeping in all the while having Kidada Jones in his own hotel. The next day or the same night he performed then flew out to LA to perform for the House of Blues that Death Row put out 10 years ago.
Frank said he did ecstasy that night and was up for over 48 hours doing all the things he said.
Breh lived life in the fast lane.