"Rappers arent our leaders"-thecoli Meanwhile Kendrick could singlehandedly get Cali reperations


Mar 11, 2022
You get legislative support from cacs,by getting support from their voter base. Kendrick has young whites on a string at the moment. Hes put the battery in their back with this record. Theyve been chanting about Drake being a colonizer,and how thats wrong for a month now. Yall need to learn how brainwashing and psyops work. Sure it will wear off,but now is the perfect timing to call for it. Theyve been backed into a corner exactly as I said. Admit they are not like as and are also colonizers,or cut the check. No one likes to feel like a fraud and hypocrite:respect:

Lol this is cute. The same young white people screaming "A MInoooooooooooooooooor" are the same ones screaming "Why should I have to pay for something my ancestors did?"...The same people who are looking young black kids in the face on college campuses all over the country and telling them "You were never a slave and I never owned them, so why do I owe you money?".

In order to shame someone, there has to be acknowledgment of wrong doing. Something white folks have never done.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012

He'd run into the same problem Pac described here, for the same reason: the role of the artist is a support role. They inspire the people. And rich artists can finance movements and protect leaders. A perfect example would be Harry Belafonte and Paul Newman. MLK led the movement, Belafonte and Newman helped bankroll it as rich artists. They and other artists were the ones bailing activists out of jail, paying for buses, etc.

I know Kendrick has spent a lot of time and money supporting local Compton schools, bringing music programs back, donating instruments, paying tuition, etc. I'm sure he plans on doing other things, and there are more things for him to do. Building a community center for instance. Whatever happens going forward I hope it stays local/regional, which will allow the PEOPLE to control these things. If BLM taught us anything it's that allowing outsiders to swoop into local movements and take over while siphoning money to a national "organization" is a bad idea. That cannot be allowed to happen again. I'd rather have Kendrick/Russ/YG/Bron/etc doing shyt to support black LA movements, other celebs doing the same in their cities/states, and the actual black leaders in those places using the resources to help black people. Which TO ME means urban farming, food programs, community health drives (free dentistry, nurse and doctor care, programs for HS kids to shadow black doctors, transportation for the elderly similar to what the Black Panthers offered, seminars etc).

What do you think the problem was that Pac was describing here? Seems like he was just scared of the ammount of influence at a young age. But also said it made him want to rise to the occassion. Plus i think its safe to say a Kendrick led movement would be far less scary than one led by Pac for a variety of reasons. I dont know how intelligent Kendrick is or isnt off wax. But his influence is whats needed here mostly. Him starting the conversation right now would send a reverberation throughout the country:respect:

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
"Dont hold our rappers accountable:damn:"

Thats all Im hearing.

Meanwhile yall love bashing Tariq,a podcaster/dating guru/museum owner for not living up to your lofty standards. And Umar for not making moves on yall clock:respect:
you a mental patient. that's all i'm seeing. this isn't accountability. how is he accountable for your reparations? :dahell:

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
What do you think the problem was that Pac was describing here? Seems like he was just scared of the ammount of influence at a young age. But also said it made him want to rise to the occassion. Plus i think its safe to say a Kendrick led movement would be far less scary than one led by Pac for a variety of reasons. I dont know how intelligent Kendrick is or isnt off wax. But his influence is whats needed here mostly. Him starting the conversation right now would send a reverberation throughout the country:respect:
Pac said he suddenly had black men across the nation looking to him to be a leader with a specific PLAN and he wasn't ready. But he also said this would be his life's work, suggesting he planned on developing what he wanted to do. We know he planned on doing the One Nation album and wanted to unite the gangs. Nipsey talked about doing that too. Kendrick certainly got them to unite on stage for the west coast but I don't believe it was truly a "unification" in terms of stopping the violence. He had rappers from different sets up there, not actual gang leaders. Not saying this to diminish what Kendrick did, it was amazing. But this shyt is bigger than rap.

I also heard Problem say that Kendrick has been talking behind the scenes with the west coast rappers plotting shyt. The stuff he mentioned was rap related though - making sure they aren't stepping on each other's album releases, setting up tour shyt, possibly doing a yearly festival, etc. Basically shyt to keep that unity going.