1.CM Punk...gave a decent financial boost to AEW. Tender and old, but still can cut a hell of a promo whether heel or face. Not a lot of wrestlers can do that(cough Face Mjf)
2.Jade Cargill...all around the most believable woman wrestler I've seen(looks wise) would be nice if "The booker of the year" actually put her against opponent's like Brittany/Storm/Hayter
3. Power House Will Hobbs...a legit beast in the ring, promos are decent for a big man, has way more lows than highs...from Taz stable, turning on Ricky Starks, to being a transitional Champion (like Mercedes Mono)
4. Toni Storm...has the best moveset (women's) in AEW. Reign was okay but that's more to do with booking, than actual matches. So far, she's carrying The Outcasts and that's saying a lot. Last thing I wanted to see was her in a stable.
5.Buddy Matthews...is the consistent, resilient bigger version of Neese, and has a unique look like Juice or Pac. Hes a good hand and doesn't do what he can't do. Moves like a cruiser weight, can wrestle any type of style, strikes are good. Shame he's third banana in a stable.
6.Hikaru...one of the few Japanese women wrestlers I like in AEW. Her matches with Serena Deeb were great. Hands down the best AEW women's champion. It's a shame Khan used my storyline and flipped it, Their was money with the Japanese women vs "AEW Originals". Instead she (Shida) was thrown in the mix of The "Originals" vs The now called Outcasts and she hasn't been seen since...
7.Hook...lot of young talent in AEW, few have the features to make a vanilla baby face. Jungle boy, The Varsity (or whatever their called now), Darby to name a few. Hook has a look. They(Khan) ruined it when he started to speak. (I know he doesn't cut promos etc. I mean literally going from quiet silent type to saying one or two words,)
8.Kris Statlander... probably the second most unique women's moveset in AEW. Seemed like yesterday she went from teaming with that chick in WWE developmental (Electra Lopez) to having great Matches. Never like that she was in The Best Friends. Her promos were okay, but she's injury prone.
9.Swerve... got introduced at AEW PPV and signed the contract. Never complained online about booking or jobbing. Wish he master his theme. Had a nice run with Lee that got cut short because Khan wanted to call an audible (now look at The Acclaim). Part of one the funniest moments in history with Ross. (Lee reactions was hilarious) No idea about the Mogul stable, now the Embassy. His promo and wrestling is good.
10.Big Bill...good size and wrestling always gotta have a big man. Singh ain't it, nothing against Santam Singh. Bill has already proven (WWE, Impact) that he can wrestle and looks believable. He's floundering in a stable, that's been anything but Firm. Hobbs/Wardlow vs Big Bill should have been on a ppv. Hell throw in Keith Lee vs Big Bill. No matter how much "Flippy" and "technical" stuff some like. Big men wrestling is always going put butts in seats