Wow i realized i never answered. (didnt want tot aint the wates with an OP list)
- Norton - he is absolutely phenomenal. I have never seen a bad role by him and i dont think he has reached the limits of what he can do. My favorite performances are american history x, fight club, the score...i thought his performance in HULK was very underrated..its dissapointing he didnt repeat the role...he really seemed like the sufffering banner that i like.
- Cheadle - he has the ability to convey every emotion at every extreme well. Rage and obsession and victory in traffic, self doubt and fustration in boogie nights (and my god he stole the show in such a phenomenal cast in that film...only reynolds was as good), suspicon annoyance in flight...he does it all.
- Woody - like cheadle he can convey any emotion extremely well, and his comedic timing is outstanding. And that is something i value. From LARRY FLYNT (really underrated performance in this day), even him carrying the SOUL LESS hunger games movies.
- Bale - for him its range...he has and can play a bigger range of DIFFERENT charactors than the rest. From batman to the american psycho, to the conman in american hustle who was searching in life....he can do pretty much any type of charactor...
- Spacey - great actor...doesnt have the range as the top four but IN HIS SPACE he is outstanding.
- Liotta - i dont think the gap between him and the others is as big as you do. He conveys fury and anger better than all of them, and his "creepy face" is a great part of his acting...