Dum Shiny
During this time:
- Made stars in mark henry and christian
who were both floundering before rko gave them the rub (Christian was already over before he feuded with Randy. What, did 1999-2010 just not happen or something? If anything, Randy was nothing more than a canvas that Christian used to refine his heel character. At best, Randy was just there to go over, at worst, he actively hurt Christian's heel turn)
- Has been given awful storyline after awful storyline...stays over and never complains. (Nope, just sulks publicly and openly)
- Respects the business and doesnt gossip to dirt sheets, leading to constantly WRONG reports about him turning heel and taking time off
(Keep believing this if it gets you to sleep at night)
- Made Cody Rhodes a legit stand alone midcarder. (I didn't know that Randy Orton's real name was REY MISTERIO. Pretty much all of the heat that Cody has can be traced to what Rey did for him 2 years ago. Nothing else. This claim is absolute, pure fiction and nothing else)
Am i wrong, at all? Only cm punk and daniel bryan deserve conversation.
I think Orton is a tremendous (and tremendously miscast) talent, but this is just pure stannery. Randy goes out, does his match, goes to the back, and absolutely nothing else. He brings nothing to the table, takes nothing off of it, and this has been the case since he put Mark Henry over.
The claims I highlighted are just ridiculous fictions. C'mon man.