Ain’t nobody doing a trade with yall without getting back Bam or Jacquez Jr. if a team is trading away their franchise player, they either want the best player back( Bam) or the youngest player with the highest upside(JJ)I would not mind throwing Jimmy Butler in there
Jimmy Butler/ Herro/ draft picks
PG: Rozier/Dru Smith
SG: Haywood Highsmith/Duncan
SF : Gianni's/JJ
PF: Jovic/Klove
C: Bam/Ware
Line mixes up defense and three points shooting for Giannis..not giving up Bam
Russ better in high volume. He can play off the bench. He just need consistent minutesWhat does denver do when Jamal is ready to play. Russ clearly is better as a starter and I dont see Murray going to the bench. Do you just start both and take the hit on defense and try to outscore every team?
Yeah and when you sign PG at $50 millon plus a season then you have to get & play fill in players like Eric Gordon, Reggie, Drummond, and what's left of Lowery.. That's not good. PG has to shoot more than 9 times in a game, I know that muchKawhi merchant who has an affinity for washed vets. Him and Morey are a match made in heaven
Philly gon be a play in team again
Is it too soon to temper the Big Vic expectations? Everyone can see his skillset, but the the decision making leaves a lot to be desired. On a different note, how the hell does Pop still have a job?Wemby pulling up for 40 tonight
Sixers are cooked