been watching the philly bynum tape if anythingAyton needs to watch some Andrew Bynum tape
Say what you want; Bynum looked 10 feet tall
been watching the philly bynum tape if anythingAyton needs to watch some Andrew Bynum tape
Say what you want; Bynum looked 10 feet tall
been watching the philly bynum tape if anything
We talk about Oden, but, he never did it in the league
Bynum was coming for Dwights head during his Laker years
Last of the fundamental, BIG big men...the one thing I always noticed about him on offense is that he always kept that ball up
Bynum been certified since doing this as a lil g
I wish the new NBA youngin's had this mentality
Ya'll overexaggate Kawhi's missed time
Since Toronto
19-20 1st Clipper yr 57 games outta 72 (Shorten Season)
20-21 2nd Clipper yr 52 games
21-22 3rd Year he missed because of the ACL
july 2021 he had a ACL tear, players are taking 14 months+ nowadays for ACL tears
He ain't just dogging it
Nah we aren’t he’s missed a shyt ton of time and doesn’t receive the attention of other guys like Anthony Davis for example.