I just dont see the Lakers winning.
shyt may be the end of the LeBron era…
IF TRUE, He had a GREAT run.. Feel like when he was coming to league and getting hyped up, those great hopes always were overhyped.. He not only lived up to it but was even better than expected.. Dude was GREAT and put his people on, great family man, stayed out of trouble, always respected the legends before him and paid them due respect, put in the work, was a class act while literally being world most scrutinized athlete, while growing up in the evolved 24 hour news cyle as lead story majority of career, gave back to community in many ways...
Demanded respect for his team in board room while expanding into many businesses, got a college experience snuck in there for him and his boys, started the empowered players era, had THE STRONGEST NDA I have ever seen, never caught in scandal, NEVER in trouble, EVER IN LEGAL TROUBLE, Bought into Olympic team fully, etc. I am sure I am missing a TON of stuff also, have seen him afar, and upclose. I saw the industry he bought by just bringing his talents to south beach, literal definition of not being a businessman, a BUSINESS MANNNNN, Dude is a legend in everyway, it could be said he is actually underappreciated.
Every legend has a few blemishes, off top, destroying dunk contest, handling of the decision in some eyes, not demanding nike to stop making the same bulky silhouette 10+ years running, that weird moment where he saw JJ Barrea on him and I dont know what happened, not slapping someone on the set of ESPN and letting them slander his name with propaganda.