Random NBA Observations 2019 - 2020


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
What they did last year is irrelevant since they changed the team so much...

If Kawhi and PG stay healthy they are going to be a championship contender...

If either one of these guys doesn't they might not get out of the first round...they might not even make it to the playoffs depending on how long kawhi or pg would be out with injury...
:camby: the clippers without PG or Leonard are still taking a dump all over east coast teams,with exception of maybe 3 squads

They still will beat teams like the suns, pelicans and maybe mavericks

I can see your squad take an L to them as well.....


Jul 7, 2012
I was thinking the same.....

The need some type of vet 7 footer

What Gasol did to Embiid he could to AD,Jokic etc....They dont need his scoring but they need a veteran big on D with high IQ who can defend those upper tier bigs in the West...Gasol is literally the perfect guy for them bu they dont have anything to give up...
Apr 30, 2012
Thoughts on D'tective fit with the Warriors? :lolbron:
This is actually a good look for GS; playing with Steph and Draymond is gonna be great for his game.
The Warriors won more games than every team in history over one season, two seasons, three seasons, four seasons and five season periods, off the back of Steph having arguably the most offensive impact and Draymond having arguably the most defensive impact we've witnessed - as long as those two are playing at a similar level, it's hard to see the Warriors dropping all the way off to where four teams in the West are winning at a greater rate.

In a regular season context, the departure of Durant will only be beneficial to their offense, as now it can go back to functioning completely around Steph, and not trying to force a fit with an ISO-based player which would often be in conflict with the nature of it. And although the loss of Klay puts a cap on their wins-ceiling, having Dlo as a replacement will layer their ball creation, player and ball movement (as we know, passing/creating aren't Klay's strongest attributes), which will only add another dimension to their offense. I wouldn't be surprised if it functions at a higher level than it has been over the last three seasons.

Not to mention, the addition of WCS is probably the best-fit 5 they've had in the Kerr era, and their bench is the strongest its been since 2016.


Mar 13, 2014
:picard: Nate Duncan argued the complete opposite in his over/under pod. While they may be deeper than they were in the Durant era, I wouldn't consider them deep and they don't have the top-end talent those Warriors teams had with KD gone and Klay injured. How many established NBA players do they have? Curry, Dray, D-Lo, Looney, WCS, and maybe Burks? I can't imagine their defense being any good and the lack of shooters puts the impetus on Curry to produce a season similar to his MVP years.
Apr 30, 2012
:picard: Nate Duncan argued the complete opposite in his over/under pod.
While they may be deeper than they were in the Durant era, I wouldn't consider them deep and they don't have the top-end talent those Warriors teams had with KD gone and Klay injured. How many established NBA players do they have? Curry, Dray, D-Lo, Looney, WCS, and maybe Burks?
The Warriors never had top-end talent as much as folks think they did; their 73-win squad was Steph, Draymond, and Klay, and then a bunch of role players, hell, most folks think Draymond was/is simply a role player too. I mean, let's face it, they didn't win because they were more talented than every other team, they won because Steph is like having an extra player on offense, Draymond is like having an extra player on defense, and most importantly - their chemistry (which I'd argue is unparalleled in the history of the game).

I honestly believe that the loss of Iggy is going to affect them the most, after all, he was the presence that kept everyone and everything on an even keel on and off the floor. They're not going to be able to replace him no matter what they do, so if they don't meet the standard to which I think they should, it won't be because of a lack of talent, it'll be because they no longer have that type of veteran leadership.
I can't imagine their defense being any good and the lack of shooters puts the impetus on Curry to produce a season similar to his MVP years.
I definitely think there is cause for concern over their defense, but they got younger and more athletic in the offseason, and the nucleus of their defense (Draymond and coaching staff) is still there, which should aid them as they transition over to this new era, so to speak. And similar to what I said above, Steph and Klay have basically been the entire Warriors shooting depth (Draymond was their next best 3-pt shooter in 2016), and while Dlo certainly isn't on par with them, he's an adequate consolation prize, and they've got greater shooting talent, overall, than they've had in the past: Burks, McKinnie, Poole, Paschall, Evans etc.