yea...after The Last Dance dropped, I started watching MJ highlights and then other players highlights and I like Giannis but he has a long way to go still. It was night and day the fluidity and skillset of Jordan compared to today's MVP

He is still very raw...footwork leaves a lot to be desired, handle is average at best, shooting...well we don't have to get into that, post game is ok but can also be developed, and even his free throws have regressed...he has skills, his understanding of knowing where to be at the right time is great, has very good floor vision and he can break down the holes in even the best defense, but when a team has the right defensive pieces
he has to work on his footwork and ball handling first as that will create a solid foundation for his offensive game...then he needs to work on moves around the basket and attaining a more natural shooting form, & that's a lot for a guy this deep in his career and accomplished as he is.