F*ck Ya Corny Debates
Sacramento fans...what’s the deal on Harry Giles? Thought he was gonna take a leap this year
I don't even know how to answer this. Giles is going to leave Sacramento and ball out. The dumb ass front office didn't even pick up his option.Sacramento fans...what’s the deal on Harry Giles? Thought he was gonna take a leap this year
Best posterizer dunker in the league
Bruh pump faked out of a wide open 3 just to shyt on nikkas, his dunk reel has been crazy this year
I knew Oubre was going to be a good player. Wiz are so stupid. Him and Beal could of made a nice combo. How did they traded for him again?
Look how it spreads when she sits down
Is there ANY good ass shots of her?
Is is fat and plump or just wide and flat