By facing who? THE RAPTORS... They always been suspect. It'll be no different from this season from last season. They play passive against LeBron. The only team that MAY challenge is Philly and that is IF they reach the EFC. The Warriors vs the Spurs is going to be one of the toughest matches of the post season. Why people KEEP discounting the Spurs is remarkable to me. They are the team with the most depth, the all-star vets that STILL CAN BALL and one of the greatest coaches in NBA history. For the Spurs to win, they really need DURANT to lead and I am not sure the Servant is truly a leader. Not to mention him and Draymond are an technical or two away from being suspended a game, not to mention no Steph Curry which cancels out the issue of no Kawhi, and with you never know what to get with Klay, he can be unstoppable in one game and disappear the next, the Warriors bench is suspect as hell. This is NOWHERE like last season.