Are you acting like Orlando, Houston and Atlanta doesn't boo him too? Atlanta players cheered when he was traded for a Marco Bellenellifurious posting above
it was always selective memory and bs is the thing. most of that stuff don't even add up when you scrutinize it. People were really grilling Dwight over everything out there even when it made no sense.
LA wanted a scapegoat and they got one. I thought that after a few years people would move past it but LA still trying to treat Dwight like he's Vince in Toronto or something.
Pringles under performed and ran off with the money. Nash openly ran off with the money. Dwight tries to play after a back surgery which last I checked is kind of a big deal, gets no real support after Kobe throws him under the bus, then leaves and he's cancer though.
I'm just sayingit sounds strange

And again you keep acting like Lakers fans don't shyt on other guys too. Every day Lakers fans wanted D'antoni fired, and they don't like Nash either. You can't really criticize Nash because he was injured and old, they still don't like him. So I have no idea where you are bringing up this thing where Laker fans like D'Antoni and Nash but hate on Dwight only.
Dwight did get some unfair treatment but he was a huge headache as well. You will never win a battle with a guy who is worshipped. He publicly got in arguments with one of the best point guards on the court, he would smile after every loss, and wanted the coach fired. And then he left the team after making the team chase around when he was 100% gone.
At this point, they just do it for fun. I can show you video of him getting the same treatment in other arenas, but it's only Laker fans