Gerald Green contract guaranteed. Must be nice. Dude was sitting at home, got a phone call and secured $1.4 mil bag. the way he is playing, he is probably going to get a nice 1 or 2 year deal next year from someone. He is lights out from deep.
Watching the Jump on DVR..they gottaStephen Jackson. Son is on here talking about Blake is the most unreliable player in the league and arguing they should give DAJ money cause they did it for Blake.
People just now getting the memo on WigginsHe got the bag and he don't even like basketball. Like the Minnesota media is gonna call him out and apply pressure
They are collective nobodies though. Its not like New York on Phil's neck 24/7 forcing a change.Nah he’s getting shytted on by the media there. Britt said he’s out on show hosts want him traded.