Random NBA Observations 2015 - 2016

Apr 30, 2012
Cousins is actually a very good defensive player by all metrics.
He's an adequate rim protector (47% on 8.7 FGAPG) when focussed
35th amongst centers in total/average points saved over position
36th amongst centers in challenging possible shots
32nd amongst centers in challenging shots as primary/closest defender
42nd amongst centers in FG% at rim as primary defender
52nd amongst centers in FG% at rim when on court (team context to be applied)

He takes far too many possessions off on the defensive end - especially for an anchor, he gambles too much, he leaves his man far too often, he has trouble recovering on miscues, although he's a good weakside blocker, he has difficulty at creating own assignments to stop guards/wings from penetrating and helping his team by circling/stabbing within the arc. I've certainly seen some improvement (notably in effort and low-post movement - although it still remains inconsistent), but I wouldn't call him a "very good defensive player" at this stage of his career. Not by any stretch of the imagination.