Wiggins look like he about to dominate next season

Check out this article too.Thunder: How the Thunder embraced Enes Kanter the person and extracted the most out of him as a player Pretty cool article on Kanter, KD and Westbrook are nice teammates and OKC is a cool organization
Thunder executives took measures to accommodate Kanter’s religion when they traded for the Turkish-born big man last year and signed him to a long-term extension in the off-season. He has access to his own prayer room in the team’s arena, for example, and uses owner Clay Bennett’s office in the team’s practice center, where he uses towels as prayer rugs. The team also made sure that Kanter’s very first meal in Oklahoma City was cooked under halal standards, which means the meat was raised and slaughtered properly, and Thunder chefs started cooking for him with separate kitchenware.
But what happened next was something no one anticipated. The halal takeover started when Thunder center Steven Adams asked Kanter if he would share his post-game dinner. “Pretty much as soon as he came in,” Adams said, “I just told him that I’m eating his food, so I told the guys to order double.”
Westbrook and Serge Ibaka then began tearing into the halal trays. Before long, Thunder officials were searching the Internet for the top-rated Turkish and Middle Eastern restaurants in other cities when the team was on the road, all so they could feed a full lineup of NBA players with enormous appetites.
“It’s like a mini-party,” said Thunder medical director Donnie Strack. “Everyone wants to steal Enes’s food.”
Classic song
If I'm the Warriors I would prefer to play the clippers . Beating Portland won't be as easy as y'all making it. Them young guns gone be hungry