More evidence on why Kidd traded Brandon Knight
Brandon Knight is a slightly above average 6th man.Could be very good, but his IQ, ballhandling, and decision making is ridiculously subpar.
He'd have to play a poor man's Vinny Johnson role.Score score score.
That's it.He's not a PG.Not even close.Dude had 6 turnovers against the Timberwolves on Sunday, then came back and had 6 turnovers in the FIRST HALF last night

.I think he finished with 9 turnovers.
Hate watching him play.I've been watching the Suns since I was a kid in the early 90's, no other player has ever bugged me more than this guy.And honestly, Devin Booker was rolling last night.Could've easily scored 40+, but this lil jittery fukk jerk never passed him the ball.That's the thing about Brandon Knight.He NEVER looks to set up the other guard.It's either a 21 ft J, a clumsy drive to the whole, or attempted alleyoop to Tyson Chandler---which 95% of the time, ends up turnover.I know his teammates hat playing with him.There was already tension between him and Eric Bledsoe.Markief hates playing with him, to.Marcus Morris put that on blast.
The Suns were dumb as fukk for giving him that contract.He'll end up being a 6th man journeyman before it's all said and done.Most annoying player to watch EVER IMO----that's just the scope I'm looking through, tho.
Hope we trade his ass ASAP.Hims and his 9 turnovers are the reason we lost the game last night.And he's supposed to be one of the "cornerstones"/vets on the team.