Da Spice...
My breh, whether I like him or not is irrelevant though, when the Lakers had Nash/Howard I criticized Kobe for doing exactly what LeBron is doing right now, and at least Kobe still followed his coaches gameplan.
This isn't about liking someone or disliking them, LeBron right now is not following his coaches system, he has reduced Kevin Love into a spot up shooter and their offense is basically now just spread & PnR. Love is ass on defense, but we know he can score when given the ball, but he's not getting the ball in his spots (elbow or in the post). I mean how many times can people turn a blind eye to this, LeBron has shown in the past he can turn offensively talented PF's into straight garbage with his incessant need to run iso-ball + spread which turns them into jumpshooters.
Case in point, last year 80% of Bosh's offense was assisted, this year without LeBron only 59% of his offense is assisted and he's still efficient. Last year, 66% of Love's offense was assisted, this year that number has of course jumped to 77%, are we going to pretend that Love & Bosh are straight bums offensively without LeBron? If he ran his coaches system, they'd be better but he refuses and that somehow is not on him. His assists numbers dipped when they were running Blatts system, and we can't have that, even though they had a top 4 offense at the time.
I'm not out dere on da court nor am I in da locker room. I can only sit on da sidelines n wish for da best for mah dawg. If dere are issues n flaws in whateva system he's playin in, or not playin I hope it can get resolved or come to a happy/productive medium so he can continue being "Kang James".
As a fan dats all I can really do lol..