aka bx_representer
It'll be intersting to see how they build around shabazz if they choose to. He's there toughest player, cant help but think what if if they kept Derrick Willams. Hed look good in that starting lineup next to shabazz. Minny gotta a lot of pieces but they don't seem to be complimentary. I can see why @tremonthustler1 is frustrated. I think he realizes this too despite the talent.
The guy who used to run their SBNation site called them The Island of Misfit Toys. Nothing really goes together (this was with Love here) but they look functional with good PG play. That just hasn't been there.
If the Wolves get Karl Towns Tre will be smiling from ear to ear and this season will have been worth it for him.
We won't, but I appreciate the sentiment.
I hope we win enough games near the end to be right in line to get Hezonja.