Time to go!!
Bobcats arena is rockin
How with all them damn picks. You gotta have a good ass dc we to even begin with nigguh. On Saturday whenever we contained him in the screen that nigguh just reloaded from the top again and ran off another screen. If u big isn't there to help contain him and the rotation behind him win there it almost impossible. A team like the twolves ain't ready for that....I feel like Rubio should at LEAST be defending Dribble better than he is doing
wiz just blew this game
booker did get his head damn near ripped off with no call though.
Wizards basketball@PS4 @mastermind
The Wiz Kids thought they were going to clinch a playoff berth tonight in Charlotte
Kemba gave them boys that work in the 4th quarter.
@ them Bobcat cheeleaders tho