man I try telling peeps this all the time, and they look at me like a crazed man.....Drinking 8 Glasses of water a Day is for Puny Human's and Mortal Man. If you want to be Jacked and Strong A Gallon or 2 a day of water is a must.
As Powerlifters, Power Builders, Bodybuilders and those who want to be Jacked, our goal is to stay Anabolic at all times. And Water does that, water keeps our muscle full, that's Anabolic, Water keeps flushing nutrients, minerals, supplements through out our body to our muscles, That's Anabolic. I drink 1 to 2 Gallons of water a day
Muscle Size and Strength
Take a look at the graph below. You can see that just a small loss of 4% (7.6lbs weight drop for someone 190lbs) water can cause a loss of muscular strength and endurance. The more dehydrated you become, the more strength you will lose.
Maintaining/gaining muscle strength is important for growth. If you keep training when dehydrated, your strength and muscle size will decrease. In order to maintain 100% of your strength you MUST stay fully hydrated. Keep hydrated… keep gaining!
A report by the “Biochemistry Journal” found that decreased levels of water resulted in cell shrinking which causes muscle protein breakdown. Research found that the water content within a muscle cell (myocytes) plays a critical role in muscle breakdown. Maintaining adequate hydration levels will reduce protein breakdown and help with protein synthesis
I'm one of those cats you see that carries around a 1gallon jug of water everywhere....