At this point I'm surprised more aren't caving out of self-preservation. Something in this country has got to give. We're stretched to the limit. So many people are suffering out here. There's only so many table scraps people will eat.
I generally downplayed concerns last year of a true revolution or massive civil unrest on a large scale, because I thought if the Dems got elected that they'd at least have to push hard for some political layups. But they aren't really doing it. I also think modern Americans are too soft and too lazy to strap up and get busy. But last year got hotter than I expected it might, and human beings can only take so much. The United States is running an unsustainable system. Something is going to break. I'm not saying in 2022 or even 2024. But things are not trending in a direction that can be maintained for way too much longer.