My first Lion Ace
My first Lion Ace
Livin the highlights @GoldenGlove who else got some good highlight videos ?
But thats nothing compared to this frost video i got comin
If they gotta capitao we can get a Ugo.when are we gonna get more black/latino operators, im tired of new CACs every update and the WEEABO fanservice AZN pRyDe fanbase is already covered, get some nikkas up in hurr already
If they gotta capitao we can get a Ugo.
They gonna get a arab or indian for their next diversity hire
I still have the card ill look.@Mowgli since this thread is mostly dead im dissapointed we never got to play each other on street fighter 4 when i challenged you back in 09 because i have a 360.
also, do you still have that legendary video you put up back in 2009 where you were playing resident evil 5 and you had that voice over that if chris could jump over some cliff he could fukk sheva and he fails and dies, that shyt was hilarious but you deleted it a few months later.