Favorite Defender
My nikka Mute silencing nikkas 4 ever
A veteran of Britain's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) unit, Mark Chandar’s exceptional work as a signals intelligence (sigint) specialist has made him a valuable addition to Rainbow. He brings with him a Signal Disruptor from his former career, which allows Chandar to jam all communications in a set area, preventing remote detonations and the use of drones.
Mute is your best protection against Breach charges and Drones: his Signal Disrupter, the GC90 “Moni”, blocks the signal from a remote detonator or control from reaching any device within range. Effectively rendering the device useless as long as the “Moni” is active or both the device and remote leave the affected area.
Signal Disruptors have a limited range of a few meters, so use them wisely: placed them in a barricaded doorframe to prevent drones from entering a room or at the bottom of a wall (reinforced or breakable) to prevent the detonation of breach charges. Of course, maximize the use of a single Signal Disruptor by placing it at the corner of a room: this way, it will protect two walls instead of one.
Beware of Thatcher, as he can throw EMP grenades that will destroy the Signal Disruptor. Twitch can also use her Shock-Drone to destroy the “Moni” from a distance before it is affected by the signal disruption, try not to leave them exposed to ranged attacks.
It is a good idea to select the Deployable shield in your loadout and use it to hide your Signal Disruptor if you have to place them in open positions: to prevent enemies from disabling them at a distance.
Developed by Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) the “Moni” was originally designed as a portable device that could blackout any radio transmissions or communication devices for covert or sensitive meetings between British government officials and foreign interests. As one of the primary engineers on the project, Chandar created a variant of the device that doubled the effective range of the original GCHQ signal disruptor.