-Jackal- •Attacker •2 speed, 2 armor •Primary weapons - Assault rifle, SMG, and Pump shotgun. (C7E, PDW9, & ITA12L) •Secondary weapons - semi automatic pistol (.40 caliber) & short barrel shotgun (very short range) (USP 40 & ITA12S). •Breaching charge or Flash bangs •Gadget - Ability to see enemy footsteps (possibly more to the gadget they haven't revealed yet)
-Mira- •Defender •1 speed, 3 armor •Primary weapons - SMG & Pump shotgun. (Vector & ITA12L) •Secondary weapons - same as Jackal (USP 40, ITA12S) •Deployable shield or C4 •Gadget - 2 one way mirrors that can be placed or reinforced or breakable walls. They can be destroyed by Thermite or Hibana. -If the small canister on the INSIDE of the window is shot or hit by Twitch drone the glass falls out.