...in a week or two, imus will reincarnate as a new born to a couple somewhere down in the most racist part of the deep south. when his soul realizes he's come back as the one thing he hated the most in his past life--a black female, he'll cry everyday and night none stop for 5+ months until his soul comes to terms with the fact that his past religion lied to him about the so-called heaven that awaited him in the afterlife.
odds are one of two things will come of the person formally known as imus in her new incarnation. 1) she'll grow into a self hating, zaddy worshiping, crap analyst for fox news or espn. she'll just continue to perpetuate the brainwashing of other weak minded blacks and the hate towards her own people, or 2) she'll realize her incarnation wasn't a punishment, but a 2nd chance at redemption. hopefully she'll realize that all of the hate and f**kboy-isms in her past life only got her sent right back here to try to figure it all out again.