The Working Class Hero
ITT coli militants in regards to bedwenches:
would you have started this thread if you found a youtube comment that said this instead?Found this on the "This fight leg to police beating black kids in McKinney" YouTube comment page:
"oh, I guess all those young black youth in our prisons today are fake? There are more young black males in prison than in college today.
That's the fact. Another reason why young black college educated females are marrying white educated men because they want a better life. A life void of welfare, food stamps and unwed babies."
Now besides the fact more young black males are in college than in jail, the above bolded statement is yet more evidence bedwenches are just anti-black pawns white racists intend to use against black men as a show of racial superiority. Racists watch the black men-women feuds and delight in it. This comment got a bunch of likes. Like many have said, including @@Mowgli and @@Premeditated , Bedwenches are merely white supremacist dogs.
would you have started this thread if you found a youtube comment that said this instead?
"oh, I guess all those young black youth in our prisons today are fake? There are more young black females in prison than in college today.
That's the fact. Another reason why young black college educated males are marrying white educated women because they want a better life. A life void of welfare, food stamps and unwed babies."
and in my equally absurd scenario (using the one you decided to make a thread out of) they would use that as a means to attack black women and show they are inferior to white women and that's why the black men are so desperate to get with them. they comment about black men taking their undesirables (fat and ugly) of the market, they don't seem torn about it.Your question is absurd. I would not make this thread about your question because white supremacists don't ever advocate or speak your example, YouTube or anywhere.
White supremacists don't glean any satisfaction or advcantage from black men marrying white women. That deflates their supremacist mission and ego, since it means black men are with their women. In fact, white supremacists historically murder black men with white women but don't murder white men with black women (see: US slave history). This is because they consider the the former a threat to white power. The opposite, as my OP shows, white supremacists use as a means to attack black men, which they interpret as the leaders and soldiers of black people.
and in my equally absurd scenario (using the one you decided to make a thread out of) they would use that as a means to attack black women and show they are inferior to white women and that's why the black men are so desperate to get with them. they comment about black men taking their undesirables (fat and ugly) of the market, they don't seem torn about it.