Racist nyc asians at it again this time protesting the mayors new plan to desegregate nyc schools


All Star
Feb 17, 2017
I worked in Chinese education for about 5 of my 10 years in China, so I think I have a rather thorough understanding of this situation.

Chinese cheat period. Surprise!!!! Chinese culture is based on moral relativism. If no one is there to see you cheat, then no harm, no foul. The stereotype that Asians are smarter couldn't be more false. Spending just a week in China would debunk that myth. They do, for the most part, utilize memorization and repetition, and when that fails cheat.... The thing is, we can criticize the Chinese for simply memorizing/cheating, but you know what THAT SEEMS TO BE WORKING HELLA WELL FOR THEM:francis:.

The issue here isn't about cheating though.

The issue is that culturally, the black/hispanic communities are not prepared to compete with the Chinese. Until black/hispanic parents begin to value education to the degree that the average Chinese parent does, we will always lag behind in comparison.

To Chinese parents, nothing is more important than their child's education. Its so important that they're willing to sacrifice their children's youth by, for lack of a better phrase, academically enslaving their kids. They spend all their free time/money on tutors, test prep courses etc. Their children have very little time for entertainment/ hobbies/ sports. That's the sacrifice they are willing to make to win. So while we scratch our ass and complain that admission shouldn't be based on testing:stopitslime:, they making moves. What should we do, have a "swag" component to admissions?:camby:
Feb 10, 2017
These Asians in NYC also need to knock it the fukk off with this "we come from poverty" nonsense. fukk outta here. Just to have the funds to get on a plane to come here from most of these countries you need to have access to $$$. Most of the FOB Asians in the city are only poor on paper. In reality, they bring wealth from their countries to the U.S. and finesse the system to avoid declaring income for tax purposes... How the hell else do you think someone can be here for only a couple of year, speak little to no English, and be running numerous businesses? It's a scam, they're swimming in capital, some of which they use to provide expensive educations for their kids prior to H.S.

It really depends. A lot of immigrants from Hong Kong or Taiwan experienced downward mobility upon emigrating to the States, so you'll see a lot of university educated immigrants in the home renovation or motel businesses.

But a large % of Chinese immigration to NYC since the late 1980s has been from southeast China (Guangdong and Fujian provinces). These provinces are two of the richest in China, but the majority of their populaces were excluded from the massive redistribution of capital during industrialisation that formed a new Chinese upper class. Most people in these provinces remain rural and subjugated despite the prosperity of cities like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Xiamen.

Many of those Fujianese and Cantonese left behind by China's economic boom decided to emigrate to America to make a living.

By and large, Cantonese and Fujianese immigrants who settle in NYC don't bring much wealth to the US. They aren't "swimming in capital." Most of their men work in construction/trades, and most of their women in sweatshops. Even when they have families, they tend to live in rooming houses crammed with other impoverished Chinese immigrants, hoping to save up for the downpayment on a home. The overwhelming majority of them haven't saved enough money to buy a single business after 10 years, let alone multiple businesses after 2 years. If they declare low incomes, it's not because they're hiding their wealth, it's because they get paid shyt wages under the table. They certainly aren't living better than most black people.

As has been brought up in this thread already, a lot of these poor Chinese kids in NYC can get into specialised schools because they have access to test prep that teaches them how to game admissions exams and because they are willing to neglect social life/athletics/every other aspect of life outside of academics in order to cram. It is not because they're inherently smarter, have cultural values more conducive to success in the classroom and workplace, or because of a relatively high % of two parent households.

The reason I say all of this is because I'm tired of people on this site using Asians/Indians to shyt on black people because they own some liquor stores in the hood.
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Somewhere in Osaka
Nov 1, 2015
I don't think the issue is that Asians are 'better' at cheating than anyone else, the problem is the 'Asians are inherently smarter' stereotype (which is fairly modern btw) allows for their cheating to go un-questioned/un-checked through the educational system and allows for them to basically horde opportunities for upward mobility via education under the guise of just being 'inherently intelligent' ... it plays out more obviously in the college admission process. Asians have the same MO across ethnic lines.... they move to school-districts where the quality of education has already been inflated by US standards because the school-district is primarily white, then they game that system through cheating and tutoring and appear to be 'the smartest of the smart' 'even smarter than whites' which gives them inflated status in the academic realm - they occupy the national honor-society, valedictorian and other academic-merit dependent positions on often false premises and then use those to enter into top universities.

It's not just about the 'cheating,' it's about the underlying arrogance they have and the belief that they somehow deserve more or better because their kids take more time out of the day to memorize answers. They really act like blacks and Latinos are not worthy of the same educational opportunities and that's because they also have bought into the hype that they are inherently smarter... anything that challenges that, they don't like.

Despite recent phenom, tutoring had been considered taboo in the white community..... only 'dumb' kids needed tutors; Asians are changing the game and tutors have become a sign of wealth and a resource in aiding to appear more intelligent than one is naturally.

At the end of the day, socio-economics should not have an impact on the quality of education a child receives. Not all parents can afford after-school tutoring and that should not be the decisive factor of getting into better schools.

No one is saying 'they cheat' as a way of glassing over the fact that they stress education in their culture, it's very true that they do, but the fact is, the stressing of education is not what causes them to 'be smarter' or "work harder', it's what causes them to 'cheat more'....and what gives them this inflated sense of self and the opinion that they do not need to share with blacks and Hispanics who they believe are inherently dumber than them...they use the test as proof though the test is likely dependent on socio-economics.
I used to tutor at Kumon, they start young :yeshrug:. I never had a black student enrolled in Kumon even though I worked there from Freshman to Senior year of high school :francis:.
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One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
I don't know the issue fully, but I feel like I would prefer if they just worked on making ALL the schools better and more like the top schools. Like stop making elite schools that have limited seats and just improve more schools.

Like you got pre-k and 3-k, now improve afterschools, and take some of the money going into these elite schools and put them into the general system.


Dec 11, 2015
Angry white parents tyring to pitt Asians against African Americans and Latinos.Some Asian NYC elected officials have called it out and see through it.

NYC schools are the most segregated in the country this is a good policy decision. Parents literally spend hundreds on test prep for the exam. Many kids don't have that opportunity

Piri Tomas

All Star
Dec 27, 2017
It really depends. A lot of immigrants from Hong Kong or Taiwan experienced downward mobility upon emigrating to the States, so you'll see a lot of university educated immigrants in the home renovation or motel businesses.

But a large % of Chinese immigration to NYC since the late 1980s has been from southeast China (Guangdong and Fujian provinces). These provinces are two of the richest in China, but the majority of their populaces were excluded from the massive redistribution of capital during industrialisation that formed a new Chinese upper class. Most people in these provinces remain rural and subjugated despite the prosperity of cities like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Xiamen.

Many of those Fujianese and Cantonese left behind by China's economic boom decided to emigrate to America to make a living.

By and large, Cantonese and Fujianese immigrants who settle in NYC don't bring much wealth to the US. They aren't "swimming in capital." Most of their men work in construction/trades, and most of their women in sweatshops. Even when they have families, they tend to live in rooming houses crammed with other impoverished Chinese immigrants, hoping to save up for the downpayment on a home. The overwhelming majority of them haven't saved enough money to buy a single business after 10 years, let alone multiple businesses after 2 years. If they declare low incomes, it's not because they're hiding their wealth, it's because they get paid shyt wages under the table. They certainly aren't living better than most black people.

As has been brought up in this thread already, a lot of these poor Chinese kids in NYC can get into specialised schools because they have access to test prep that teaches them how to game admissions exams and because they are willing to neglect social life/athletics/every other aspect of life outside of academics in order to cram. It is not because they're inherently smarter, have cultural values more conducive to success in the classroom and workplace, or because of a relatively high % of two parent households.

The reason I say all of this is because I'm tired of people on this site using Asians/Indians to shyt on black people because they own some liquor stores in the hood.

Where did you get your info? Do you live in NYC? I haven't seen a single Asian working a construction site in any of the 5 boroughs. Jamaican? Sure. Mexican? Definitely. My NYC people can back me up on this. As for sweatshops, this isn't the 1980s, much of that trade has been extinguished.

Are there poor Asians here? Definitely. They tend to be single males who work to send money home, the same as the Mexicans who dominate the food services' lower rungs in the city. But that's not the topic at hand, we are talking about Asians who send their kids to elite public high schools. Access to capital, both cultural and economic, is much more widespread in the Chinese immigrant community than it is for the vast majority of blacks/Latinos in the city.


Dec 17, 2016
I used to tutor at Kumon, they start young :yeshrug:. I never had a black student enrolled in Kumon even though I worked there from Freshman to Senior year of high school :francis:.

Yeah, they do, you're absolutely correct. When I was in China for a brief stint, they would ask if I could tutor their kids in English and for the SAT since I scored very well.....kids were like 7-10 years old....

Same in the U.S. When I was a summer math tutor a lot of the black and Hispanic kids were unfortunately retaking classes while Asians were taking Geometry and algebra over the summer to seem 'ahead'.... in our school district it was advised that taking algebra is HS would seem too 'common' so the goal was to take it before you finished middle school and then start HS with geometry at the least. What Asians would do, is either take algebra in the summer of 7th grade and then do the year long geometry program in the 8th grade so they could go into HS already at Algebra II....then have enough time to take AP Calc I and II (after a lot of tutoring and cheating) and skip those classes in College where they would, no doubt be harder (no re-takes or anything in college). Also cuts down on courses they have to pay for...

I think a lot of black parents are still set that a tutor = dumb like a lot of white parents used to think. I remember hearing "why can't you just GET IT" from a younger mother to her son when discussing his summer mid-term grade.... Asians had tutors even for summer classes....

But they still also believe they are inherently smarter and I definitely picked up on that while in school, be it middle, high, college, grad etc.


I'm the REAL Zucotti Manicotti
Mar 25, 2017
you don’t ruin good high schools to hide the fact that the NYC public school is so broken.

So admitting more non Asian dark skinned people equates to ruining good high schools. That's a fukked up way of thinking.

The chancellor even stated only the top students at all middle schools would be selected. This helps kids who parents can't afford extra tutoring but have worked hard to be the top at their school

- Bronx High of Science Graduate


May 11, 2012
I get it, tests are not the best way to.get admitted to the top schools since lower income students have a disadvantage with shytty public schools to begin with. And tests are not the best way to just intelligence to begin with. I took the specialize test to get into those schools. It's kind of assuming that Asians have some advantage when it comes to these test when let's not true, it's white people that have the resources to take classes and prep. I would say that a lot of the Asians are.from poor immigrant families that are worse off than others so if we're basing it off in opportunity in terms of educations and wealth, a lot of Asians that do come from poor backgrounds should benefit from this as well.


All Star
Nov 30, 2015
So admitting more non Asian dark skinned people equates to ruining good high schools. That's a fukked up way of thinking.

The chancellor even stated only the top students at all middle schools would be selected. This helps kids who parents can't afford extra tutoring but have worked hard to be the top at their school

- Bronx High of Science Graduate

I like the idea of 20% being for black and Latino minorities who may have scored slightly less.

I don’t like the proposed removal of the test

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
What you reap is what you sow. Not quoting the bible...but the Stetsasonic song "Talkin All that Jazz"

I'm not a fan of this hand-holding shyt that the system does for Black folks........It's a crutch & creates dependency . Never know that you're able to walk WITHOUT the crutch.

For all the talk of "white daddy" and "white zaddy", what is a greater example of paternalism than some of this hand holding bullshyt?

Make education a top priority from birth, and what you reap is going to be what you sow.

Rell Lauren

Nov 30, 2016
Is this the new coli agenda?
Why are people so obsessed with Asians all of a sudden :deadmanny:

What agenda? It's a big deal in the city. Between them supporting Peter Liang for gunning down Akai Gurley and them not wanting to lose their seats to Black and Latino kids is proof of the racial tensions that exist here.

The NYC public school system is 70% Black and Latino, yet we are nowhere to be found in the specialized schools. Is getting into one of them the end all be all? No, but you will be one step ahead of your peers because of the academics. These are the kids that routinely go to the elite colleges who ultimately are put in positions to run and be successful in society.

Eric Adams, President of Brooklyn, walked back his support because Asians protested against him and he wants to be mayor one day. c00ns and cowards that don't have the interest of their own kind at heart.

Cheating is rampant at these schools. They're not that much smarter than us.