Racist Accountability Dump Thread: When Racism Goes Wrong


Mar 24, 2014

Appeals court upholds conviction in Black partygoer's death
Tue, March 16, 2021, 8:31 PM·3 min read


FILE - In this Aug. 8, 2016 file photo, Chad Cameron Copley is led out of a courtroom at the Wake County Judicial Center in Raleigh, N.C. A North Carolina appeals court on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, has left intact the murder conviction of Copley who fired from his garage a shotgun at a Black party-goer leaving his neighborhood. He was sentenced to life in prison for the 2016 shooting death of Kourey Thomas. (Chuck Liddy/The News & Observer via AP, File)

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina appeals court upheld the murder conviction Tuesday of a white man who fired a shotgun at an unarmed Black partygoer after reporting “hoodlums” in the neighborhood.

A majority on a state Court of Appeals panel left intact the first-degree murder conviction of 43-year-old Chad Cameron Copley, who was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

Copley killed 20-year-old Kourey Thomas in August 2016 as Thomas left a late-night gathering near the curb in front of Copley's house in Raleigh, according to authorities.

Copley, who claimed self-defense, had complained about the noise and called 911, telling the operator he was “locked and loaded.” Members of the group, who were leaving a nearby party and met outside to decide what to do next, yelled back at him. Copley later fired his weapon through his garage window, according to evidence.

Tuesday's ruling came nearly a year after the state Supreme Court overturned a 2019 ruling by the same three-judge Court of Appeals panel that had ordered a new trial for Thomas.

A majority on the panel ruled then that the trial judge erred by failing to tell jurors to disregard parts of the prosecutor's closing argument that referred to the race of the defendant and the victim. But the Supreme Court decided last April that Copley wasn't placed at a disadvantage given the context of the comments and the otherwise “extensive evidence of (the) defendant’s guilt.”

The Court of Appeals was told to review the case again for other potential errors. Judges John Arrowood and Donna Stroud agreed on Tuesday that Copley otherwise received a fair trial and that his conviction should stand. In a dissent, Judge John Tyson said the trial judge shouldn't have provided jury instructions to support a first-degree conviction on the basis that Copley “laid in wait” to fire his weapon at Thomas.

Copley had testified that he feared for his family’s safety after seeing men display guns while leaving the party. Witnesses testified at Copley’s trial that Thomas was unarmed, and prosecutors told jurors that no gun was found where Thomas fell to the ground.

Tyson said the instructions failed to tell jurors that they needed to disprove Copley's self-defense claims beyond a reasonable doubt before considering the “lying in wait" claims.

“The trial court’s failures denied (Copley) of the most fundamental rights to protect and defend himself, his family, and their home,” Tyson wrote. But Arrowood, writing for the majority, said the instruction was justified.

“The state’s evidence shows (Copley) concealed himself in his darkened garage with a shotgun, equipped with a suppression device,” Arrowood wrote. “The shot bewildered bystanders because it was unclear what happened, and (the) defendant had not warned the crowd before firing his weapon.”

Tuesday's ruling by the state's second-highest court means the case would return again to the state Supreme Court for review if an appeal is sought.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation

That second tweet though: “No Longer Able To Live With Himself #TheNaziKKKJew Dan Burros Committed Suicide & Blew His Brains Out Like A White Privileged bytch Because Of Humiliation”

(I know that I’m quoting myself) but this reads like a “The Onion” article.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
This is totally something my dad would do :deadmanny::deadrose:
Black Fathers !! :blessed:

After he was done with this racist cac; He would have called in the clean up crew for back up but that part wouldn’t have been on camera though. “violence-sometimes that’s the only way to send a message to a recipient, but don’t leave your fingerprints on the package; what’s unknown can’t be traced” - Nicole’s dadisms.


Mar 24, 2014
NYPD Retiree Charged In Capitol Cop Attack Shocked He's Jailed With 'Inner-City' Inmates

Mary Papenfuss
·Trends Reporter, HuffPost
Mon, April 12, 2021, 1:45 PM·4 min read

An NYPD veteran charged with beating a police officer during the Capitol riot is shocked that he’s locked up with “inner-city” criminals, according to his lawyer.

Thomas Webster, who retired after two decades with the New York City Police Department, is unhappy with the “dormitory setting” where he’s held without bail on charges related to the Jan. 6 insurrection, Washington Post reporter Rachel Weiner reported, citing Webster’s defense lawyer.

“For a middle aged guy whose never been arrested before, this has been a shock for him,” the attorney reportedly explained.

Webster has been jailed since February on charges that include assault of a police officer. Federal prosecutors said he attacked a cop with a metal flagpole during the insurrection and can be seen in a photo submitted with his indictment apparently digging his thumbs into the officer’s face.


Tommy Webster is seen trying to dig his thumbs into the face of a police officer outside the Capitol on Jan. 6. (Photo: Department of Justice evidence photo of Tommy Webster in confrontation with police officer)
Webster was denied bail by U.S. Magistrate Andrew Krause of the Southern District of New York, who determined he was a “danger to the community” — even though his lawyer argued that he was a “committed family man” with an impeccable character. He was simply answering a call from then-President Donald Trump, his attorney insisted, according to Law & Crime.

But a prosecutor said then that videos showed Webster “clear as day” with gritted teeth and a “look of pure rage” as he was “attacking a police officer ... like a “junkyard dog.”

Before he was arrested, Webster had a “sparkling” record with the NYPD, the attorney argued, according to Weiner. If he’s not released, Webster would like to be moved to a facility in upstate New York, the lawyer reportedly said.

Twitter critics had some observations. Some noted that the term “inner city” was racist MAGA-speak for people of color. Few had sympathy for Webster.


Evidence photo of Thomas Webster and a police officer at the Capitol riot. (Photo: Evidence photo of Thomas Webster and police officer submitted with indictment against him.)
Also on HuffPost

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated