Since you're all in here. The brodie
@Abogado has let me use his coli account to ask if any of you are interested in contributing to a new site:
That's our last post.
So far there's only a few of us and quality suffers a bit when you're pumping out a bunch of shyt just to get it out there, but he says that there are some smart people on here. He is the site's editor (I and a couple other guys are doing the writing and everything else). We're also partnering up with
@LinusCaldwell from FSEWTL. We also just posted some stuff from
@Ziggiy and we'll be interviewing him about his web series very soon. PM me if you're interested or email me @ We operate off of medium so you'd need an account there (which takes like 4 seconds if you have a twitter).
Side bar: I'm debating writing an op-ed about the futility of Democrats and this Russia shyt. It has an expiration date and people are already getting tired of it. If you don't catch him red-handed doing something then you've wasted all this time and you don't have any policy issues to stand on. It's a waste. This would be the perfect time for them to stand on Medicare-For-All to post a stark contrast of kicking 24 million people off healthcare vs. taking care of the entire country.