Rachel Dolezal Pt II or Bull: "BLM Organizer Shaun King Mislead Oprah By Pretending to be Biracial?"


Feb 24, 2015
Would it really be hard for a dark Indian to claim they are East African?

Hell even AAs and Indians have passed as each other How Turbans Helped Some Blacks Go Incognito In The Jim Crow Era

I can't get with kicking out people because of phenotype if I share blood with them.
My post was :troll: to be honest

I'm not comfortable with kicking out people either because of how they look

I understand how peoples phenotypes can very in one AA family


May 25, 2015
I always thought he was a white man fighting for social injustice. I wouldn't know about half of these unwarranted police shootings if it wasn't for him, Deray and others. So... I don't really care.


Has he identified himself as black though?


Nov 25, 2014

We got some "Israelites" this site talking about he could be black. They tried to give Rachel a pass too :stopitslime:


May 10, 2012
a white dude who went to the same high school claims to have witnessed the whole incident too :patrice:

Unfortunately, it seems that several groups on the Internet are spreading lies about an event that happened at my high school while I was a student there. This is a problem for me, because they were not first-hand witnesses, nor are any of thier sources.
I, however, was there and saw it happen.

I have been asked to post my memory of that day, which I am happy to do. It involves another student at the time, Shaun King.

I was a senior in high school and had just walked out of the band room when I saw Shaun walking towards me in the hall. For my entire high school career, I cannot recall saying anything more than 'hello' to him. However, this day no such exchange took place. Before it could happen, Shaun was quite literally ambushed by a large group of large people.

He never saw what hit him. He never had a chance. I didn't stop to count how many attacked him, but the number was easily in the neighborhood of a dozen. They were big white farm boys, all members of the FFA. Immediately a crowd formed while they stomped the life right out of Shaun, who couldn't have weighed much more than 100 pounds, if at all.

I remember not being able to get close, certainly not close enough to interfere. The attackers had formed a circle around the debacle and would not let anyone in. It stuck in my mind for years as the most disgusting thing I had ever seen.

It couldn't have lasted long. As soon as the chaos attracted the attention of two teachers, it was over and the attackers deftly dispersed. There was blood all over the floor.

I hung around in mute horror, not believing what I had just seen. I had had a fairly sheltered upbringing and my first brush with violence had left an impression.

So now, in 2015, various organizations on the Internet have taken the stance that this incident never happened. This view seems to stem from one specific article making the observation that the police account and public records of this incident do not coincide with Shaun's account. For example, the police report says there was only one attacker, not a dozen. It also states that Shaun's injuries were very minor.

What the article does not discuss is the nature that such an event would have on this particular time and place culturally and socially. This is Versailles (pronouced ver-SAY-els), Kentucky in 1995. I believe the population around that time was it about 6000 or so. When a minority gets almost beaten to death in a small rural town's high school, it is every civic leader's nightmare. In 1995, in Versailles, it could have potentially made national headlines, had the story gotten out. But unfortunately, it did not, and no residents of Versailles, Kentucky should be surprised. By this point in the reading, you should have surmised that any investigating officer would have felt heavy, intense pressure from all sides. The last thing Woodford County High School wanted was for this story to be on the front page of the local paper. You don't have to interview school administrators to know that. The city's elected leaders did not want this getting out because they wanted to keep their jobs. And the local police needed to keep a tight lid on this so that they would not look like jackasses.

So Shaun's injuries were downplayed to just a scratch in the police report. The FFA guys had planned ahead for one of them to take the fall for all. The investigating officer was happy to put that detail in his report. Nor was he eager to interview witnesses, having never asked me a single question.

When you read about incidents like these, it's very easy to imagine that details were left out, memories are hazy, things are made up. If you are having such reservations about this story, please understand that I have no agenda. I was not close with Sean in high school, and I have not spoken with him since. I am in no way related to his efforts to combat racism. Nor was I ever close with his attackers. I relate my memories of this day only so people will know what really happened. I was one of a very few people that saw it with their own eyes.

There it is. It happened.

please be VERY VERY careful anything these white right wing sites spread, sites like breitbart and it's ilk were the same ones spreading disinformation on things like the Trayvon case (like that infamous fake picutre they spread around) these people are very cunning