Damn r.i.p great coach, and was also very good on tv
I'll never forget laughing my ass off at this tho
"I'm not a big gay guy" - YouTube
Damn he summed up Rudy Gay's career perfectly

R.I.P to Majerus, a very talented and underrated coach.
Damn r.i.p great coach, and was also very good on tv
I'll never forget laughing my ass off at this tho
"I'm not a big gay guy" - YouTube
He was obviously an enormous eater, he could eat more than any ten men, I never met anyone who can eat like him in my whole life, he could eat an incredible amount of food, it was amazing. And its funny cause he would exercise all the time
RIP to Rick Majerus. He used to have some SICK Utah teams in the late 90s with Keith Van Horn, Andre Miller, Hanno Mottola...