Definitely cried hearing this news.
I remember as12 years old being inspired by Bond when he appeared on a cable news program, or something of the sort. He articulated black issues with such elegance, class, and precision --- I said to myself I want to be like THAT.
I cant say that Ive held my end of the bargain; Im a hot head and far from "classy", but it wasnt too long after watching Mr. Bond that I became a voracious reader. It became a value system of mine to become as educated on issues and subjects as much as humanly possible, and Mr. Bond certainly played a role in helping to shape and mold me into the man I am today.
Julian was a courageous and brilliant man, who genuinely cared for the empowerment of others and created a lasting legacy for millions of black americans. A heartfelt R.I.P to a personal black hero of mine.