Don't have sex with a guy unless you really know him (ie makes sure their are no other chicks, double life, lowkey jumpoffs).
Nothing really specific...just let me know what works for you when dealing with guys.
Could be about anything honestly.
- Don't date a man that wears fitteds, snapbacks or any of them shyts. I know some of them dudes be looking but you must resist!
9/10 he ain't no good and/or he has a funny shaped head he's hiding.
Has not failed me yet!!
don't think you can change a man (his ways, his style, etc) to fit what you think he should be like
don't try and mask your true self either
let him clearly see you w/ no enhancements or fillers (makeup, weave, pushup bra's, etc)
be cautious if he wants you to share every intimate detail about yourself but hesitates to do the same...but also be cautious if he wants to dump his entire life story on your on the first date
don't be a man that's good for you both in and outta the bed...not just in it
-Watch how he talks to/treats his mother
- It is your right as a woman to expect that a man will pay for dinner or whatever else in exchange for your time
-A man always wants something..ALWAYS.
A) If you are willing to sleep with him
B) what will it take for you to sleep with him
-never give in easily..set standards and requirements from the moment you open your mouth
- If his conversation is always superficial and never goes beyond the surface, he's not interested
So even if I ask him out....leave my wallet at home?