Those guys aren't your friends. At best they're aquaintances.
It's easy to hang out with you and chill when things are going good. You know who you're friends really are when you hit rock bottom.
I used to be that 'good friend' to people who clearly didn't deserve it and life threw me some really hard lessons as to how a lot of people ain't shyt.
The mere fact they don't reciprocate the help you gave them shows they don't have any type of honor or loyalty. If you posted about a chick who left you because you lost your job or was temporarily disabled, we'd tell you to cut her loose. Likewise, I personally wouldn't keep a fake friend around either. Those are the types who mysteriously disappear when you fall on hard times but pop up like a Jack-in-the-box the minute the smoke clears and you're doing well again.
If you still want to hang with those dudes, that's up to you. But just remember when it's their time, then

you're "busy" now.
In future, don't use the term 'friend' loosely. Like that saying goes: don't cross oceans for people who wouldn't step over a puddle for you.